
Honoring the People, Institutions, Methods, and Applications of O.R. that made History

伟德体育1946手机版运筹学在历史上有很深的根源of mathematics, statistics, economics, industry and the military. This subsite gives you access to pages from which can learn about more than 240 historic individuals (including Nobel Prize winners, INFORMS prize winners, INFORMS Fellows, and members of National Academies), as well as the historic institutions, methodologies and application areas that are central to the modern history and current activities of the profession.


The great preponderance of material, including relevant papers in INFORMS publications, is open access. By special arrangement with施普林格,通知会员可以访问“运营研究中的概况:先驱者和创新者”的章节,由Arjang Assad和Saul Gass编辑伟德体育1946手机版。

The subsite has been created and is maintained by the INFORMS History and Traditions Committee, which encourages and facilitates the collection and preservation of materials relating to the history and traditions of OR/MS. New materials, including several oral history interviews done each year, are added on a continuing basis. Contact the committee if you would like to contribute material to the various topic pages on institutions, methodologies and application areas (see the "Chemical and Petroleum" application area page and the "University of Texas" academic institution page for examples).

A guide to the subsite可以在2017年8月号第1卷中找到。44不。4,或/MS今天,信息会员杂志。


The INFORMS Conference Presentation Database provides information on over 56,000 presentations from INFORMS meetings, starting with meetings held in 2002.


伯纳德·奥·库普曼(Bernard O. Koopman)
Navy Department

If you have not visited the INFORMS O.R. History website in recent months, then you're probably noticing some differences. The recent upgrade of the site has much new content that has been added since our last description in the October 2015 issue of OR/MS Today.
